Editorial Announcement


In the summer of 2014, the Archives of Biological Sciences was singled out as a scientific journal that had veered away from the ethical publishing practice of scientific journals and was placed on the list of predatory journals. Members of the scientific public in Serbia directly affected by the accusations were mobilised, and after thorough investigation it was concluded that many of these accusations were founded. As a result, the Serbian Biological Society and other co-publishers of the journal replaced the entire editorial team. The new Editorial Board was confronted with the difficult task of resolving many outstanding issues which primarily affected contributors and scientific research in life sciences, as well as official bodies that support scientific publishing in Serbia.


We are issuing this announcement in order to express our deep regret to the scientific community for past mismanagement of scientific information. The new editorial team will continue to correct all mistakes while striving to ensure accurate, timely, fair and ethical publication of scientific papers that the Archives of Biological Sciences has been traditionally known for. We are calling all readers of the journal to directly contact the editorial office and the editors of the journal regarding any case of publishing malpractice in the future, to ensure prompt remediation.


The new Editorial Board adheres to the Best Practice Guidelines in order to improve the overall quality of the Archives of Biological Sciences and in this way hopes to regain the trust of previous and future contributors.

Editorial Board of the Archives of Biological Sciences